Getting a hug from my 15 year old daughter and a text saying she loves me.
The warm glow from the Christmas tree.
A sleepy bulldog.
Two meetings in one night.
Time spent with a friend.
Now it's your turn, tell me something good in your life.
You are safe
2 years ago
- the bean's got a new girlfriend
- hubby and i put up some new and really amazing christmas decorations
- hot summer days
- i feel totally relaxed
Welcome to blogger. I will make the change in my blog log.
Happy Holidays
Friday is a good thing in my life, and here it is today.
Being sober today
Reading amazing blogs
My friends
Even sorrow
Too much to list.
1. Visiting a daughter, 150 miles away.
2. Having a visiting other daughter
3. Other daughter leaving.
WAIT...WAIT!!! I didn't FINISH!
4. Other daughter returning Xmas Eve.
5. First daughter coming here Sunday.
6. Dinner with son Joe, his birthday #37--on Saturday.
7 It goes on and get the picture? LOVE it. Lots of meetings strewn in betwixt all that.
8. Didja know that the "X" in X-mas is the "X" which represents the Greek "Chi" letter for Christ?
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