Friday, January 16, 2009

Answer Me This

If you are in a funk, how do you get out of it?


DM said...

My only proven method - work, think, write and talk through it. Tell people, get it out and stay busy. I allow myself one day on the couch. Any more than that, I know I'm in trouble.

molly said...

usually it involves a combination of things.. walking in nature. watching comedy. taking magnesium supplements. get sunshine. start a rigorous workout program with a trainer that will push you OUT of comfort zone. very low-carb/high protein diet. lots of water. send good thoughts to a friend. imagine holding a golden retriever puppy. surrender. read A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie. Know that whatever it is will pass. Bake an apple cake. Help someone. Fresh flowers in a pretty vase. Hot bath. Hug the dog - again. take a class of some sort. remember that all that is ever required of you is THIS moment - so give this one your fullest attention..

now i'm off to take that same advice - at least some of it :) the exercise thing has paid off the MOST. hope your funk is in the past soon!

Anonymous said...

I usually have to get pretty funky before I will even talk to anyone about it. Talk to someone about it, then follow suggestions

Wait. What? said...

Sometimes a good hard work out, for endorphines - sometimes a good movie or a friend for company works, sometimes writing everything out helps me, or calling my dad, sometimes I spend time with my kids, sometimes I read a book, sometimes I hit a meeting and sometimes, very rarely I offer up that I am going out for ice cream and who wants to go with me...

Anybeth said...

I try to get out of my head. I'll walk the dog, go to the gym, find something to occupy my hands and my head until it passes.
This is of course only good for the short-term temporary funk.

Unknown said...

Sounds like the funk is going around like the commen cold. I work out there is something about kicking your ass in the gym that is so helpful.

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you asked cuz i need the answer too... i'm right there with you. maybe its the weather? ugh.

Shadow said...

distract (to clear your head), think, talk, time, and lots of other stuff. no one recipe works for all. i hope you work it out.

Anonymous said...

I beat the tar out of our canoe with a huge plastic water jug.
;0) Seriously, I'll often thank God for reminding me that sometimes feelings aren't great and try to be grateful for simply feeling. Then it's time for a gratitude list. If all else fails, doing something nice for someone else always does the trick. {{{Hugs}}}

Unknown said...

So much good stuff here already and I really needed to read it too, I've been a little funky myself and so I usually open up to someone I trust, take suggestions and work the program.

I hope you're feeling better!

big hugs to you.